Georgia Rainstorm
Decatur, Georgia
Here's an experience any wrenching Californian moving to Georgia is likely
to have: You're working on the car and a few small drops of rain
fall on you. Well, hell, it'll be an hour before it's raining for
real, so instead of gathering up your tools and putting the carburetor
back on, you just keep working. Unfortunately, rain works differently
in a non-desert climate; you get about 30 seconds warning and then it's
coming down like something out of the Old Testament. In the self-portrait
here, I'd started to install a new water pump and got caught in a
pounding thunderstorm about halfway through. Fuck it, I thought,
and finished the job, which was extraordinarily miserable- the only good
thing was that it wasn't cold rain. Here I am, filthy and
soaking wet, test-driving the Impala down Ponce de Leon in Decatur.
Note the shoulder-belt; not installed on cars until the late 60's, I decided
to run some grade-8 bolts through the door pillars and install them (pulled
from a '72 Olds) after years of imagining my teeth busted out during a
15-mph wreck by the battleship-like steel dashboard.