The LeMons Supreme Court has become weary of the BMW E30, particularly late ones such as this 1991 318i. For this reason, smart E30 teams step up with a righteous theme. How about a fully functioning game of Operation on the car’s hood?
Each of the items fits in its own little niche in the car’s hood, and you use barbecue tongs hooked to a wire to fish out your selections. How about a nice Tobler Bone?
Schlager Liver!
Twizzler Gut!
Because the “organs” must stay in place while the car drives (no, they don’t remain in place during actual racing, or we’d have Goldschlager bottles flying through MR2 windshields at 90 per), they’re held in with some pretty serious Velcro. This makes removal a challenge, though by no means impossible.
Jager Arm!
Skittle Heart!
The nose lights, the buzzer (actually a standard car-alarm siren) sounds when you touch the metal of the hood. Whoops!
Here’s LeMons Supreme Court Judge Jonny trying his hand on the Jager Arm.
The Team Operation E30 did pretty well, coming in 55th place (out of 122), with a pretty quick best lap time of 2:04.450. You can see the complete standings, with photos of all 122 cars, here.
February 25th, 2010 - 10:05 am
Schlager Liver!
February 25th, 2010 - 6:36 pm
ZOMG! That is genius.
March 2nd, 2010 - 1:39 pm
Now that’s a pretty inspired theme. Somehow I’m not surprised to see Jonny going straight for the Jägermeister.