I’m turning around and going to another LeMons race, for back-to-back weekends (it’ll be back-to-back-to-back weekends in April), so I don’t have time to do a lot of Southern Discomfort posts right now. Just head straight to the Über Gallery for now.

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Off To South Carolina!

February 17th, 2011

After nearly six weeks with no LeMons races, we’re finally spraying some starter fluid into the 2011 season and jump-starting this bastid!

I built my first stereo camera (a pair of Olympus Trip MD3 35mm point-and-shoots on a crude aluminum bracket) back in the mid-1990s, figuring that someday it would be possible to view the images without using a Viewmaster-style slide-pair viewer. Thanks to some science-fiction movie with blue people, that day has come!

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We looked at the history of the 24 Hours of LeMons’ Heroic Fix award a while back, and today we’re going to honor the winners of the very closely related I Got Screwed trophy. You can win the I Got Screwed by failing in your Heroic Fix efforts, but that’s not the only route to […]

We’ve seen the 2010 Legends of LeMons medal winners, but so many 24 Hours of LeMons teams stepped it up in the team-costume department last season that I feel compelled to share some of the better ones.  

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