Trailer #B7, Rear View
Irvine Meadows West RV Park, Irvine, California
February, 1990
Skinny back tires, lots of dulled cheap chrome, blue-tinted windows.
The license plate frame read "Eddie Hopper Chevrolet" which nicely matched
the "HOP 200" license plate. This frame was later torn off during
an unfortunate incident involving a girlfriend's 4:00 AM driving lesson
and an ornamental stone wall in front of a Beverly Hills house. The
car hit the wall going about 20 mph in reverse. It seemed unwise
to stick around and the car still moved without any obvious scraping noises,
so we drove all the way to her house in Venice before examining the car.
The only damage was the loss of the aforementioned Eddie Hopper license
plate frame and a 12" wide dent in the bumper, nothing at all like the
apocalyptic mass of accordioned sheet metal I expected to see. Note
the Negativland "No Other Possibility"
bumper sticker, my first personalizing touch for the car; this sticker
remains there to this day, though I painted over it after a couple of years.
The trailer to the right of the car is my very own 1969 Roadrunner camping
trailer, parked in IMW's space #B7; the welded steel structure near the
propane tanks later formed a part of the Electric
Man sculpture for which the Impala's 283 block
served as an anchor-weight.