17 Seconds Over Commerce
Atlanta Raceway, Commerce, Georgia
December, 1995
My coworkers at Year One, where I worked
writing catalog copy, were all a bunch of raving Southern gearheads, and
I soon started joining them on their rod-throwin' trips to the local dragstrip.
Most of them were running 13s or better, but the best the Impala could
do with its small-valve 350 and open diff was 17.27 seconds at 78 mph.
It did, however, beat the only other big 4-door at the office: I
blew away a 318-powered '65 Plymouth Belvedere, which ran a slothful 22
seconds. At this point, I knew I needed more power...
Check out the "111" painted on the rear side window; due to my meticulous
non-washing of the car (ever- it's never been washed during the
9+ year's I've owned it) those reminders of my very first run down the
quarter-mile remain on the glass to this day.