The Warm & Sunny South
Decatur, Georgia
January, 1996
After sweating through a non-air-conditioned Georgia summer, I was ready
to enjoy a pleasantly warm, mild winter. Unfortunately, one's expectations
do not always match reality; it snows in Georgia during the winter,
and when it's not snowing it's alternating between rain and freezing weather.
Doors frozen shut in the morning, sliding all over the icy roads, ending
up in a ditch... nothing in my soft California driving experience had prepared
me for this. Here's a shot of the rear bumper after a drive
home from work melted some of the trunk ice enough to form icicles.
One of the most maddening cold-weather problems the car had (aside from
the nonfunctional choke) was the door latches' tendency to stick open
in freezing weather, which meant that the driver's door would fly open
during right turns unless I held onto it at all times. Still, it
always started, and its menacing bulk combined with my erratic Californy-boy-what-never-drove-on-ice-before
moves kept everyone at a safe distance.