13.67 Seconds!
Sacramento Raceway, Sacramento, California
June 16, 1999
Well, looks like the locker rear, better exhaust, and new (to me) transmission
did the trick- here's the Impala leaving the starting line on its best-ever
run: 13.67 seconds at 100.735 mph. That's 1.3 seconds better than
its best time a year before (and almost 4 seconds better than what it ran
in 1995 with the old tired 350). Check out the 5.0 Mustang,
which was sporting a "piss on Chevy" sticker and lost to my 4-door family
barge by a full second-and-a-half. Of course, what you don't
see here is the 4-door Galaxie that was running low 12s that day...