When I started this site, my idea was that I would use it to write the occasional post that had nothing to do with cars. Time to dig into the Ephemera file, which happens to contain a nice 1980 Happy New Year card that the Iranian Ministry of National Guidance sent me when I was […]

It took me for-freakin’-ever to choose the winners and do the Unununium Medal Winners post, so head on over to TTAC and check it out.

You can see all the 2011 event patches at the official LeMons site, but the images are too small to really make out the detail. Let’s take a closer look at the creations of LeMons Perpetrators Jay Lamm, Nick Pon, and Jeff Glenn.  

Ever since Judge Jonny and I discovered that extorting accepting bribes from LeMons racers put the kibosh on whining about “unfairness,” we’ve been using special stencils to mark the teams that show respect to the LeMons Supreme Court.

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