Posts tagged ‘Housekeeping’

What with all my LeMons coverage for Car and Driver, plus my globe-trotting antics, I haven’t had much chance to keep up with the Home of the Murilee Martin Lifestyle Brand™ lately. So, today I went through and added a bunch of new links to MMLB™ writing.

After doing so much work updating the homepage so that it includes links to my writing, there’s another bit of housekeeping that needs doing: it’s about time I explained how and why I use a pseudonym that sounds like a girl’s name. I’ve talked about it before, but never really told the whole story […]

For a couple of years, the homepage of this site wasn’t very useful, with a few unlabeled icons leading who-knows-where. What the hell, I figured, the Murilee Martin blog gets regular updates. But wouldn’t it be nice for readers to be able to use this futuristic hyperlinking technology to find stuff I’d written? It would […]

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