Posts tagged ‘Judges’

All this post needs to complement the 1997-style animated GIF is some blinking text!

Back when I was a young Orange County performance artist, I never once imagined that someday I’d have a job that resulted in groups of grown men and women imitating me. Being a judge on the 24 Hours of LeMons Supreme Court is such a job. In the photograph above, we see the Ford Probe […]

Ever since Judge Jonny and I discovered that extorting accepting bribes from LeMons racers put the kibosh on whining about “unfairness,” we’ve been using special stencils to mark the teams that show respect to the LeMons Supreme Court.

Those of you who have experienced a 24 Hours of LeMons race in Texas or Louisiana know all about Judge Scott, the Segway-ridin’ Marine who allows neither rain, nor snow, nor gloom of night to deter him from his appointed rounds of discipline. However, even those LeMons vets who race in other regions have likely […]

LeMons Chief Perp Jay Lamm has signed a pledge never to write about cars again; he’s got it framed and hanging up in his office. He also tends to be extremely harsh on LeMons drivers who happen to be his friends. That means that he’s extra cruel to former auto-journo colleagues Csaba Csere, Tony Swan, […]

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