1982 Oldsmobile Cutlass 24 Hour of LeMons Car
Because the Van Buren Boys brought zero documentation for their car, which was semi-cheaty (built 350, 4-speed, LSD 10-bolt, etc), they got a dozen penalty laps. However, this excellent racin’ machine brought smiles to our faces every time we saw it over the weekend.
Van Buren Boys 1982 Oldsmobile Cutlass
This was one of the quicker cars on the track, with a best lap time of 1:04.150 (the winner had a best lap of 1:03.614), but it suffered from the usual small-block-Chevy-in-LeMons maladies, not to mention frequent Penalty Box visits.
1982 Oldsmobile Cutlass race car
We get more GM G Bodies at CMP than at any other LeMons venue; we had three (two Chevrolets and this Olds).

5 Responses to “USA! USA! USA! The Van Buren Boys Olds Cutlass”

  1. mechimike

    This things was awesome. It looked awesome, it sounded awesome, and ran awesome. It made me want to Amerigasm every time it passed me on the track. The box-flared fenders were…wait for it…awesome.

  2. citroen67

    A “G-body” with box flares, and Ferrari-style scoops? It’s full of win no matter how you slice it!

  3. BoB

    It looks great but why does an Oldsmobile have a Chevy Symbol on it?

  4. The Van Buren Boys

    Because it is about 51% Chevrolet, 32% Olds, 6% Ford, 3 % Infinity (3 cooling vents are Infinity tailpipes) and 8% Duct tape, Mig wire and Blue RTV. Thanks for the kind comments! We had a blast and will be back in February! Follow us on Facebook.

  5. Rex kwon-Do

    Alright guys,here’s the low down on the super bad Olds that just by some sort of miracle turned out to be an awesome lemons car.Keep in mind that the build consisted of 2 mechanics,1 body guy,1 machine operator,and the best exotic pet deliverer driver-hired gun-shew-ringer-wheel man in his own neighbor hood. The car consist of nearly all swap meet parts,stuff from the local pull-a-part,and anything we saw that looked like something that might grab air for our G-20 van brakes.Judge Phil thinks that the engine is some built 350 chevy motor but it really is a stock van engine with new gasket’s,the trans is a warn out saginaw that as of the first hour of the race had no reverse and 1 st and 2nd gear is almost something of the past(I think we may have to fix that before Feb) .We selected the rear end mainly because it already had disc brakes on it.A lot of thought and even more hard work went into building this car,one guy at the track on sat. told me he had 100 hours in his car.I thought to myself that as a team we might have 4 or 5 hundred hours in our ugly ol’ can.Even with that in mind we are talking about building another car,we have other friends that want to race too! My hat comes off to the people who organize,run,and do what it takes to make the whole show run as well oiled machine,we had a blast and if the lemons god’s will have us,we will be back!To the other racer’s…… thank you for the great comments and clean racing.Everyone we talked to at the track seemed to be having as much fun as we were. Hope to see you guys and gals in Feb.

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