Posts tagged ‘24 Hours of LeMons New Orleans’

In the end, the desperate Honda Prelude/Ford Tempo/random parts car mix-and-match attempt to get Team Swamp Shack onto the race track (as documented here was something of a disappointment. Actually, it was a heartbreaking, miserable failure… right up until the moment when the team got both the I Got Screwed trophy and the Organizer’s Choice. […]

When it’s hot and muggy and the race goes on all through the night, some teams pack up and go home when something big breaks on their car. Others, however, keep thrashing; such teams become potential Heroic Fix winners (or, if the repair doesn’t work, I Got Screwed winners). We’ve got some of each type […]

Just about all of us have thought of covering our cars with bottle caps to form a mosaic representing our state flag, but used caps tend to be all bent up. What to do?

Yes, this is an F150 body sitting on a Crown Victoria chassis. Backwards.

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