Posts tagged ‘Bribes’

The BRIBED stencil has been a Lemons Supreme Court tradition since the first South Carolina event in 2008. Since 2012, every race has had a unique stencil, which has resulted in seven years of commemorative artwork on the race cars of teams who wanted to keep it fair. Here are the stencils applied to racin’ […]

Starting in 2012, the judges of the Lemons Supreme Court began making a unique stencil for each race, applied to the cars of teams showing the proper obeisance to race officials via generous gifts (before that, we’d use the same stencils until they got lost or wore out). Here are the stencils of the 2017 […]

When a team gives a generous tribute to the all-wise and scrupulously fair justices of the 24 Hours of LeMons Supreme Court, they receive a hand-made commemorative stencil sprayed onto their race car. We feel that this is better than the judicial leniency they were hoping to get, of course, and all right-thinking racers (who […]

The 24 Hours of LeMons Supreme Court has been stenciling the cars of teams that grease our palms with justice-ensuring gifts since the early days of the series, but it took until the 2012 season for the LCS to start creating a fresh stencil for each race. To see the stencils of the 2008-2011 seasons, […]

One of the benefits of being a Justice of the 24 Hours of LeMons Supreme Court is the very generous gifts given to the Court by racers who hope to keep it fair (a wise move, considering that the LeMons Supreme Court considers the Moscow Show Trials and Wild West Justice to be its legal […]

The LeMons Supreme Court has been through many versions of the BRIBED stencil (applied to the cars of teams that grease the wheels of justice with a gift for the LCS) during the last five LeMons seasons. Lately, we’ve been trying to make each stencil more of a commemorative-edition souvenir for each event. Collect them […]

Ever since Judge Jonny and I discovered that extorting accepting bribes from LeMons racers put the kibosh on whining about “unfairness,” we’ve been using special stencils to mark the teams that show respect to the LeMons Supreme Court.

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