Archive for the ‘24 Hours Of LeMons’ category

And The Winner Is…

October 24th, 2010

The last time a Neon took the checkered flag at a 24 Hours of LeMons race was way back in 2006. Today, the Skid Mark Dodge Neon held off the competition– including a menacing BMW E30– and brought home the 1,500 bucks in nickels.

When you cut-and-paste a Lancia Scorpion body onto a wrecked Toyota MR2 chassis, then show up to a race with the project only 60% done, you don’t expect the car to stay in one piece all weekend.

We of the LeMons Supreme Court like to make at least penalty that reflects the current season, so we brought pumpkins to the Rod Blagojevich Never-Say-Die 500.

The Saab 9-3 that started the day as the race leader has done blowed up, which gave the Skid Marks Neon drivers the opening they needed to grab the lead.

Yes, we’ve got a LeMons team that brought pole dancers to the race.

Day One Over, Saab 9-3 Leads

October 24th, 2010

An exhausting day of racing at the Autobahn Country Club is over, and the Cougar Bait 9-3 holds the lead.

Could it be possible that a LeMons car could win the Index of Effluency in one race, then go on to take the win on laps at a subsequent race?

I can’t keep my eyes open much longer, yet I must share some more of the incredible machinery that showed up to the Rod Blagojevich Never-Say-Die 500 2010 BS Inspection.

It was quite a day here in Joliet, Il.

This time, according to LeMons wild man Speedycop, things would be different. The Lancia Scorpion on Toyota MR2 chassis would be ready before it showed up at the race. Of course, we knew better.

I Am Not a Crook!

October 23rd, 2010

Anyone who knows me knows that I’m obsessed with Richard Nixon, so here’s a 24 Hours of LeMons team that made a good first impression on the LeMons Supreme Court.

Remember the Roadmaster Mobile Justice Unit? The only thing better would be a Roadmaster Wagon LeMons race car… but who would be crazy enough to do such a thing?

We’ve seen 5 Batmobiles, 7 Back To The Future “DeLoreans,” 4 Delta House Deathmobiles, and 99 General Lees in LeMons… but this is our first Murph & The Magictones-themed LeMons car.

After fortifying ourselves with a few shots of Powers’ Irish Whiskey and some Chicago-style pizza back at the motel in Joliet, we of the LeMons HQ crew are contemplating one of the most ridiculous, yet most amazing, entries in 24 Hours of LeMons history.

We’re heading into LeMons race number 18, with just four more to go, and the leaders in the overall standings race are battling for that free trip to some race in France.

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