Archive for the ‘Down On The Street’ category

1954 Mercury Monterey

November 28th, 2010

Since TTAC already has Curbside Classics, DOTS will be staying here at for now. I’ve finally found a halfway decent burrito joint in Denver, one that meets— more or less— my Mission District burrito-snob standards, and I spotted this 56-year-old survivor while blasting the Civic downtown on a carnitas run.

What Does It Mean?

October 31st, 2010

Spotted this bit of incomprehensibility in my neighborhood.

Sometimes I miss the burritos of Alameda, not to mention Lee Auto Supply, but the supply of interesting street-parked vehicles in Denver keeps the Down On The Street series up to Alameda standards. Here’s a near-perfect MGA I found parked just a block from my house.

1941 Ford

October 26th, 2010

I don’t give a rat’s ass about football, but even I know that the wretched Raiders somehow vaporized the Broncos the other day.

Remember the shiny red FJ40 Land Cruiser parked near the mean-looking ’76 FJ55 Land Cruiser we saw last week?

Yes, this is a 1966 Ford F250 with a vegetable garden in the bed.

Welcome to Down On The Street, where we admire old vehicles found parked on the streets of the City That Rust Sorta Ignored: Denver, Colorado. I found a very, very nice FJ40 in my neighborhood this morning… and then this much rarer Land Cruiser rolled up.

Here’s one for all the pessimists who thought that DOTS ended along with my tenure at Jalopnik. Not so!

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