We like to encourage miscreants trapped in the Kafkaesque labyrinth of the 24 Hours of LeMons Supreme Court to create great works of art as they serve their time. In other words, cardboard-and-duct-tape engine sculptures!
We like to encourage miscreants trapped in the Kafkaesque labyrinth of the 24 Hours of LeMons Supreme Court to create great works of art as they serve their time. In other words, cardboard-and-duct-tape engine sculptures!
When you’ve managed to take a LeMons win on laps with a car that sold for nearly 100 grand in the mid-1990s, you need to go the extra mile with your theme at the next race if you want to avoid massive BS laps. When Team Sgt. Schultz emailed LeMons HQ for a residual value […]
24 Hours of LeMons fanatics have been hoping for a vintage NASCAR-style entry for years, and Legend of LeMons Unununium Medal winner Speedycop and his henchmen came through at the Southern Discomfort race last month.
Judge Mike had a hit with the 1990s Detroit Car Metric-SAE Fastener Mix-N-Match penalty, but that wasn’t his only contribution to LeMons Penalty Box innovation.
When we made Mike, team captain of the legendary Tunachuckers 24 Hours of LeMons team, a LeMons Supreme Court Justice at the Southern Discomfort race, we had no idea that he’d be adding so many cruel rehabilitative penalties to the LeMons Supreme Court’s torture kit arsenal-o-fairness. Here’s one that you Sears Pointless miscreants will be […]
Back when I was a young Orange County performance artist, I never once imagined that someday I’d have a job that resulted in groups of grown men and women imitating me. Being a judge on the 24 Hours of LeMons Supreme Court is such a job. In the photograph above, we see the Ford Probe […]
Not only did the Pulp Friction 325 look great with its DMC-12-style doors, the team came in 5th out of 81 at the 2011 Gator-O-Rama.
I’m turning around and going to another LeMons race, for back-to-back weekends (it’ll be back-to-back-to-back weekends in April), so I don’t have time to do a lot of Southern Discomfort posts right now. Just head straight to the Über Gallery for now.
After nearly six weeks with no LeMons races, we’re finally spraying some starter fluid into the 2011 season and jump-starting this bastid!
We looked at the history of the 24 Hours of LeMons’ Heroic Fix award a while back, and today we’re going to honor the winners of the very closely related I Got Screwed trophy. You can win the I Got Screwed by failing in your Heroic Fix efforts, but that’s not the only route to […]
We’ve seen the 2010 Legends of LeMons medal winners, but so many 24 Hours of LeMons teams stepped it up in the team-costume department last season that I feel compelled to share some of the better ones.
It took me for-freakin’-ever to choose the winners and do the Unununium Medal Winners post, so head on over to TTAC and check it out.
You can see all the 2011 event patches at the official LeMons site, but the images are too small to really make out the detail. Let’s take a closer look at the creations of LeMons Perpetrators Jay Lamm, Nick Pon, and Jeff Glenn.
Ever since Judge Jonny and I discovered that extorting accepting bribes from LeMons racers put the kibosh on whining about “unfairness,” we’ve been using special stencils to mark the teams that show respect to the LeMons Supreme Court.
I’ve been awake for 30 hours straight now, so I can’t even recall the exact name of the team that’s leading. Something like Boom Zap Pow! Anyway, they drive a Probe, and they’re battling with the Clueless Racing CRX for the win on laps.